A lil video, I think he is cute, but you might find it boring.

He is such a happy baby. And check out the teefers! He has 6 already! Emma didn't have any until 9 months. And we measured them and he is only 9" shorter than her! What a big boy!
he is even happy when he is all "caged up"
One grumpy face. But he looks like Adam, so I had to post it
I'm not sure if you guys remember how we made "pennies" for emma for when she goes poopy on the potty. Well last night she finally had enough to go to the "store" and buy T-bone. She has been saving for a while. She had a blast playing with them last night.
Here is T-Bone, Clifford, and Puppers going for a ride in the Coupe
Then they went down the slide a bunch of times. I got some funny "action" shots, sorry for so many!!
-All lined up and ready to go! "One, two, free PUSH!"